Three-Step Guide to Rapid Weight Loss

Many people wonder if rapid weight loss is practical and if it can deliver some results. Yes, this is possible and you won’t even be required to go to a gym for this. For the benefit of readers, we have developed a Weight Loss Easy Guide which prescribes taking green detox drinks, intermittent fasting, and easy to do home workouts on the day you are fasting.

How can weight loss be achieved?

For rapid weight loss, you need to work on two key fronts – diet and workout. But there is something that comes before diet and workout. It’s detoxification of the body, particularly the guts, the intestines, and the overall digestive system.

Why do we need to detox our bodies?

We consume many types of foods and each contributes a specific set of nutrients to our bodies. But the process of digestion depends on many factors including the internal chemistry, metabolism, the kind of food we eat, and the general vigour of our digestive system.

All that we eat is not digested fully every time. This leads to food residues inside our body in different forms. Sometimes some of these are toxins – bad air, acidity, constipation, sugar in urine and blood, and so on.

These toxins need to be expelled out of the body at regular intervals to keep the digestive system in order. The presence of toxins in the gut and the intestines affects the entire body.

The presence of toxins in the body also makes you gain weight over a period. This kind of weight gain should not be mistaken for good health. Let’s see how you gain weight when the toxins in the body are alarmingly high.

How does the presence of toxins make you overweight?

When the toxins in the body increase beyond the safe limits, it leads to fatigue and underperformance of the digestive process. The metabolism is slow; the body is not able to efficiently burn the calories you have eaten in your food.

You feel a drop in the energy level in your body and you want to eat some high-calorie food immediately. So because your digestive system is underperforming, you are eating more.

Since the body is not able to burn the calories that you take on a day to day basis, it piles up within your body in the form of fat, water, gases, etc. You become overweight.  

The problem of unwanted weight gain can be tackled by detoxification of the digestive tracts. There are two highly effective ways of achieving this: detox drinks and intermittent fasting. In this article, we will discuss both of these detoxification methods.            

What does a detox drink do to your body?

A detox drink works at many levels and delivers some important benefits.  

Boosts alkalization: The digestive process of whatever cooked food we eat involves the formation of acid. If we eat less of cooked food and more of green vegetables and fruits the acids are neutralized by the alkaline presence of veggies and fruits.

Since this is not the case with most people, we need to take a detox drink that’s high on veggies. Fruits can also help but they may be high on sugar and calories.

A green detox drink that’s a smoothie of some vegetables and green herbs can be extremely beneficial in the alkalization of your guts and digestive system. This expels the acids from the body in a very effective manner.     

Improves digestion: Once the extra acids are out of the system, your guts feel the difference and they become more effective. Your digestion improves and you get more energy from the same amount of food.

You don’t need to overeat for your regular need for energy. Your weight starts to reduce to normal levels.   

Reduction in inflammation: Some of the herbs and vegetables have natural anti-inflammatory properties. So, when you drink green detox drinks some of the body organs which have inflammations because of the wear and tear start to experience a reduction in inflammation.    

Other benefits of green detox drinks

· Improves liver function

· Boosts metabolism

· Improves the immune system

· Improves hydration

Here is a list of some of the most common detox drinks. You can choose some of these for your green detox which can be more effective and powerful than any of these taken individually.

· Coconut Water

· Green Tea

· Lemon and warm water

· Ginger

· Peppermint

· Watermelon juice

· Cucumber

Here, we provide the recipe of a green detox drink. Whether you are preparing a detox drink at home or buying readymade from the market, make sure your green detox is not just green in looks, it has predominantly green leaves and vegetables. You need to be cautious that your green drink does not become too sugary.

Green Detox Drink Recipe


100 gm spinach

100 gm kale

Juice of 1 lime

250ml coconut water

75 g, diced fresh pineapple

1 tablespoon of flax seeds


Put all the ingredients in the blender and blend them until they become a smooth green paste.

Tip: You can add any healthy or purpose-specific ingredient. For example, you can add ½ a tablespoon of Matcha Green Tea that can make your green detox drink high on antioxidants for a more improved immune function and metabolism.

Intermittent Fasting

As weight loss invariably involves some kind of diet plan, the focus is consuming fewer calories, less fat, and fewer carbs. To achieve this kind of diet restriction on a practical level, different fitness experts have popularized different types of intermittent fasting plans. But they all intend to make you eat less so that you can achieve your weight loss goals.

Intermittent fasting helps the body at many different levels. It has tremendous health benefits. First, it allows the digestive system to take a rest from digesting the food. This helps the body to work on expelling the toxins from the body.

As per some studies, not drinking water for about 20 hours for a minimum of 20 days in a year significantly reduces the chances of developing cancer. Weight loss is, of course, one of the many advantages of intermittent fasting.

Here are some of the most popular intermittent fasting plans:

16/8: As per this plan, you should eat during an 8-hour window and fast for the next 16 hours.

5/2: As per this plan, you eat normally for 5 days and do 24-hour fasting for 2 days, preferably on the 2nd and 5th day.

Eat Stop Eat: You eat normally for 5 days and fast for 2 days. On the day you fast, you can take small foods up to 500-600 calories per day.

Alternate Day Fasting: You eat one day normally and fast the next day. You can take a small number of calories on the day you fast.

Warrior Plan: As per this plan, you eat just fruits and vegetables all day long, and take a large meal in the evening.  

All these intermittent fasting plans are great ways to reduce weight rapidly.

At-Home Workouts

If you want a rapid weight loss plan, it will most certainly include workouts. We suggest you perform 9 sets of 1 minute long at-home workouts 3 days a week when you are fasting. We said 9 sets, each of 1-minute consisting of 3 exercises, each lasting for 20 seconds performed on 3 days a week when you are fasting. You can give yourself a break of 10 seconds, or a little more, depending on how feel.  

Here, we present you with the list of workouts to choose from.

· Lunge

· Lateral Lunge

· Single-Leg Squat

· Single Leg Deadlift

· Plank

· Side Plank

· Rolling Plank

· Knee to Elbow Push Up

· Burpees

· Single Leg Deadlift

· Frog Jumps

· Plank-to-Push-Up

· Step-ups

· Triceps Dip

· Squat Jumps

· Plank

· Push-up

· Crab Walk

· Walking Lunges

You can take any 3 from this set of exercises and perform them for 20 seconds each. Giving a break of 10 seconds, you should repeat the set 9 times. This you should do on a day when you are fasting.

If you feel discomfort at any time during the workout, you should stop and take a rest. Resume your workout only when you feel better and stabilized.

Is Rapid Weight Loss Possible?  

Yes, you can lose as much as 10 pounds in a month by following the weight loss plan we have just introduced to you.

As per our Weight Loss Easy Guide, the first step is to start taking a healthy, no-sugar green detox drink. This should be followed by intermittent fasting and home workouts on the day you observe the fast.

Final Thoughts

Green detox drinks have become very popular these days giving rise to many packaged detox drinks in the market. Intermittent fasting is also very popular both for weight loss and overall good health. A regular workout is always an essential part of all weight loss programs.

By combining these three, we can achieve a rapid weight loss plan which is all-natural and does not require you to join expensive weight loss plans sold by gyms and personal trainers. This is easy and can be done at home.  

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