Will Sourdough Make Me Fat?

Sourdough bread is a popular health food. However, you need to be sure about its ingredients. If it contains flours of jowar, ragi, and whole wheat, it could be healthier.

By Arun Kumar Shrivastav

Bread is both a staple and comfort food. It means you are going to eat it more often than you intend to. This brings us to an important question — if eating bread is a healthy option. Well, most of us know that what makes sourdough a different kind of bread is the sourdough starter. The rest can be the same as with any ordinary bread.

In this post, we will discuss sourdough health benefits and how different types of healthy sourdough bread are now available in big cities like Delhi.

Can bread make you fat?

Bread at its basic is a lot of carbohydrates which must be combined with a hefty amount of veggies, proteins, and some amounts of fat to convert it into a balanced diet. For people having diabetes, eating bread is not a great choice but it is also hard to avoid it altogether.

But, can eating bread add to your weight? And how does sourdough bread fare on this count?

Difference between sourdough and regular bread

Sourdough is different from regular bread because of a different sourdough starter used to make the dough rise. To make the regular bread you find in the market, commercially available baker’s yeast is used to make the dough rise. In the case of sourdough, a more natural way of fermentation is used where wild yeast and lactic acid in the flour are used as leavening agents.

The Advantage

There is one distinct advantage with sourdough bread and it may hold the clue if sourdough can make you fat. Sourdough bread has a lower phytate level because of lactic acid bacteria being able to break down the phytate available in flour. It allows the human body to absorb nutrients from food more readily and promptly.

Does that mean sourdough bread has any advantage? If it’s easy to digest and absorb the nutrients by the body, you will feel fewer hunger pangs, reach out for snacks less often, and may accrue fewer calories during an average day.

That’s great!

It’ll not make you fat

It will certainly help you avoid food that you don’t need to eat. Your body can absorb more nutrients from the food. It doesn’t demand more food as it gets sufficient energy from the normal amount of food you are eating. That should help you maintain your weight. So, your sourdough is not going to make you fat.

If you are diabetic or have blood pressure, eating less holds more benefits!

Sourdough bread: Know about it a little more

Sourdough is considered a more healthy option than ordinary commercial bread. Many people will suggest you substitute your regular bread with sourdough. Are you in?

What are sourdough health benefits? You may ask! Well, we’ll go over the benefits in a bit. Right now let’s consider the pros and cons of regular bread that make us choose between sourdough and regular bread.

To make bread, you need a few essential items: flour, yeast, oil, salt, and water. But the bread we buy from the market may contain poor quality refined flour, commercial baker’s yeast, poor quality oils, sugar, preservatives, and some other chemicals. Eating these materials in your food regularly is not good. More so, if you are suffering from lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

The truth behind whole-grain and brown-breads

In the market, you will also find whole-grain bread and brown bread. At the root of it, the whole-grain bread doesn’t contain flour of the whole grain and the brown bread is not from multi-grain flour. Bread made of whole-grain flour may not be palatable enough to become popular and commercially successful. The brown bread looks so because of the colors and molasses. Neither of them lives to the promise they make.

Is sourdough a better option, always?

Not necessarily! Sourdough is merely a fermentation process. If the material used in sourdough bread is not good, the bread can also not be good. For high-quality sourdough bread, good-quality grains and flour should be used. Any synthetic or processed additives should be avoided. Now, you may ask where you can find this kind of sourdough bread. 

We will advise you to check out Leap Club.

Your sourdough can be great! How?

Leap Club produces sourdough, whole-grain, gluten-free bread, and supplies them throughout Delhi NCR. A 5-year-old startup, Leap Club exclusively focuses on procuring, manufacturing, and supplying organic and healthy foods.

It has developed a range of proprietary bread that uses different grains and fermentation processes to retain the nutrients and benefits of the raw materials used. For example, you can find sourdough bread made with flours obtained from jowar, ragi, walnut, cranberry, black wheat, and whole wheat, among some other options.

Let’s have a look at the variety of sourdough Leap Club makes available right at the doorstep:

· Whole Wheat Sandwich Sourdough

· Black Wheat Sourdough

· Miche Whole Wheat Sourdough

· Country Sourdough

· Seed Feast Sourdough

· Walnut & Cranberry Sourdough

· Jowar & Ragi Bread

· Seeded Buckwheat Bread

· Quinoa bread

· Jowar & Ragi Buns

· Whole Wheat Sandwich

· Bread Multigrain Sandwich Bread

· Whole Wheat Buns

· Multi-Grain Buns

· Bombay Ladi Pav

Summing up

Sourdough bread is considered to be healthier than regular bread. Among the sourdough health benefits, you can count on it to have low levels of phytate. What lends this advantage to sourdough bread is the sourdough starter which uses wild yeast. It helps the body absorb nutrients from the food more easily. Sourdough bread is easily digestible.

However, its availability can be a problem in your area. It is still not available commercially everywhere. If it is available, quality as with any other bread is always a concern.

Given this, quality sourdough bread from Leap Club is great news for all sourdough fans. If you are living in Delhi NCR, you must try different varieties of bread Leap Club makes available right at your doorsteps.

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